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July - Dec 2018
ADOPTED Parker von Pressath a very handsome, larger sized 2-3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Freddy von Freren is a very handsome 16 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Jackson von Cofer is a stunning 1-2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Trapper von Trimbs is a beautiful 12 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Shep von Sayda is a gorgeous 1-2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Sophie von Spalt is an adorable 6-7 month old Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Annette von Aue is the sweetest 7-8 month old Shepherd mix. Love buggie! |
ADOPTED Ada von Adorf is a delightful 6-7 month old sable German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Mercedes von Mettmann is the sweetest 7-8 month old German Shepherd you will meet. |
ADOPTED Rya von Rydal is a gorgeous 3-4 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Aurora von Annaburg is a beautiful 7 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Demi von Dohna is a delightful 7 month old Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Renee von Rees is a gorgeous 1-2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Wyatt von Earp is a beautiful 2.5 year old Shepherd mix. NO CATS Check out my new video: VIDEO |
ADOPTED Jackson von Herne is the cutest 10 week old Shepherd mix puppy. |
ADOPTED Garvyn von Gefell is beautiful 2-3 year old Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Tucker von Treuen is a beautiful 12 month old Shepherd/Husky mix. |
ADOPTED Duke von Erding is a very handsome 16 month old German Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Romeo von Romrod is a delightful 2 year old Shepherd mixed with possibly Golden Retriever. |
ADOPTED Ben von Birkenfeld is a gorgeous 1-2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Zeus von Zwickau is a gorgeous 1-2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Hallie von Haiger is a beautiful 10-11 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Stacey von Soura is a stunning 10-11 month old Husky mix. |
ADOPTED Jacquie von Herford is a delightful 1-2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Cleo von Castell is a stunning 12 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Niko von Nidda is a stunning 4 year old tall and lanky German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Deuce von Dreieich is a gorgeous 8-9 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Vito von Viersen is a stunning 7 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Aladdin von Albig is a gorgeous 18 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Elvis von Elstra is a stunning 2-3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Comet von Coesfeld is a beautiful 1-2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Finn von Kyritz is a striking looking 1-2 year old Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Diesel von Dresden is a very handsome 2 year old coated German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Scott von Schotten is a gorgeous 16 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Millie von Mayen is a delightful 4 month old German Shepherd puppy. |
ADOPTED Harper von Hof is a delightful 4-5 month old German Shepherd puppy. |
ADOPTED Meli von Mettmann is a beautiful 9 month old Malinois mix. |
ADOPTED Lola Rose von Berlin is a delightful 2.5 year old German Shepherd mix. Good with kids and cats! |
ADOPTED Shasta von Sebnitz is the most adorable 6 month old Husky mixed with something fluffy! |
ADOPTED Paige von Pirna is a stunning 2 year old Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Jasmine von Jena is a delightful 6-7 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Ali von Altena is a gorgeous 3-4 year old German Shepherd on the smaller side. |
ADOPTED Tank von Torgau is an adorable 8 week old Shepherd mix puppy. |
ADOPTED Jerry von Kerpen is a beautiful 2-3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Osito von Ostrau is a very handsome 6 year old Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Kylo von Kyritz is a beautiful 3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Olivia von Fresno is the cutest 4-5 month old Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Xena von Zell is a stunning 8 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Farrah von Freital is a stunning 9-10 month old long haired German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Mia von Munich is a gorgeous 11-12 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Mystery von Marne is a stunning 2-3 year old long haired German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Lobo von Loitz is the sweetest 8 month old plush coated German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Dillon von Dinklage is a delightful 6 month old German Shepherd. (mix?) |
ADOPTED Rob von Rosenheim is a beautiful 1-2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Graham von Gabrow is an adorable 7 month old Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Hayden von Hofheim is a delightful 12 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Jaxx von Juterbog is a gorgeous 1-2 year old long haired German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Bruce von Burg is a beautiful 12 month old Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Wally von Wulffs is a beautiful 5 year old German Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Alma von Andernach is a beautiful 3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Lucy von Lorch is a beautiful 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Caplin von Coswig is a woderful 12 month oldShepherd mix. (female) |
ADOPTED Harrison von Herborn is a stunning 2-3 year old black and red German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Dudley von Duren is a delightful 10 week old Shepherd mix puppy. |
ADOPTED Theo von Triptis is a wonderful 7 year-old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Jeffrey von Heide is a stunning 2 year old long haired German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Arick von Dodger is a stunning 6 year old sable German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Boris von Borkum is a wonderful 6-7 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Amos von Ansburg is a delightful 11-12 month old Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Isabella von Mimi is an adorable 5 month old Shepherd mix puppy. |
ADOPTED Princess von Pressath is a delightful 3-4 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Gabby von Glinde is the most adorable 10-11 month old Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Elsa von Engen is a beautiful 1-2 year old sable German Shepherd. (mix?) |
ADOPTED Cosmo von Coburg is a delightful 10-11 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Zed von Zschopau is a very handsome 2 year old German Shepherd. Love bug. |
ADOPTED Jerry von Julich is a stunning 14 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Atlas von Arnstein is a beautiful 14 month old black and red German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Mack von Mainz is a beautiful 2-3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Sagan von Stein is a gorgeous 8-9 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Toffee von Avalon is a delightful smaller sized 12-14 month old Shephed mix. (male) |
ADOPTED Annie von Ansbach is a gorgeous18 month old coated German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Rasha von Rastatt is a wonderful 10-11 month old Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Penelope von Pirna is the most amazing 3-4 year old German Shepherd. Sweetie Pie! |
ADOPTED Noah von Nossen is an adorable 11 week old Shepherd mix puppy. |
ADOPTED Shadow von Syke is a striking looking 3 year old larger sized German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Dexter von Dorfen is a gorgeous 8-9 month old German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Knight Rider von Kirchen is a delightful 7-8 month old Shepherd mix. |
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ADOPTED Felix von Hendrix is the most delightful 9-10 month old black sable German Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Ginger von Kiara is an adorable little 9 week old Shepherd mix puppy. |
ADOPTED Penelope von Pelsner is an adorable 14 month old smaller sized German Shepherd/Malinois mix. |
ADOPTED Nikki von Nidda is a gorgeous 2 year old plush coated German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Reba von Delano is a wonderful 11-12 month old Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Mila von Fresno is an adorable 4-5 month old Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Lita von Langen is a beautiful 7 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Leonardo von Leer is a beautiful 17 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Jax von Jessen is an adorable 1-2 year old German Shepherd. NO CATS Love bug! |
ADOPTED Eddie von Elze is a beautiful 12 month old Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Buddy von Burg is a beautiful 2 year old German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Lobo von Lucka is a gorgeous 12 month old Husky. |
ADOPTED Harry von Windsor is a delightful 3 year old smaller sized German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Duke von Dulmen is a beautiful 4-5 year old German Shepherd. Lived with cats! |
ADOPTED Sebastian von Shaq is a gorgeous 3-4 year old long haired, black and red German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Cody von Coswig is an adorable 11-12 month old Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Titus von Telgte is a stunning 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Freckles von Forst is a striking looking 2 year old Heinz 57 hunk. |
ADOPTED Gerard von Geyer is an adorable 12 month old Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Lexy von Leer is a striking looking 7 year old German Shepherd "tri-pawd". |
ADOPTED Maddie von Mahlberg is a beautiful 12 month old Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Bekka von Delano is the cutest 5-6 month old Shepherd mix. |
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ADOPTED Megan von Markle is the sweetest 9-10 month old Shepherd mix on the smaller side. Love bug! |
ADOPTED Gypsy Rose von Dawn is a delightful 14 month old Jack Russell mix. (30 pounds) NO CATS |
ADOPTED Kuma von Kusel is a delightful 17 month old German Shepherd. NO CATS |
OTR Senor von Seeland is a very handsome, larger sized 3 year old German Shepherd. |
OTR Jill von Jerichow is a beautiful 7-8 year old German Shepherd. NO CATS |
OTR Hope von Hahn is a beautiful 7-8 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Sir von Hoover is the sweetest 3 year old little guy weighing in at about 10 pounds. |
ADOPTED Yoda von Witten is an incredibly sweet 6-7 month old German Shepherd pup. |
ADOPTED Marvin von Mengen is a delightful 8-9 month old Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Chief von Colditz is a beautiful 18 month old Shepherd/Lab mix. (best guess) |
ADOPTED Kojak von Kolkar is a very handsome 2 year old German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Stella von Kiara is a beautiful 9 week old Shepherd mix puppy. |
ADOPTED Gemma von Erding is a darling 6-7 month old German Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Arabella von Bruchsal is a wonderful 9 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Tina von Kiara is an enchanting 9 week old Shepherd mix puppy. |
ADOPTED Nanna von Areia is a beautiful 1-2 year old German Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Sadie von Saarburg is a beautiful 11-12 month old smaller sized Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Beauty von Bogen is a wonderful 10 month old German Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Baby Bear von Balve is the cutest little 7 month old Shepherd mix. (female) NO CATS |
ADOPTED Miley von Mengen is a wonderful 6-7 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Kiara von Kirtorf is a beautiful 3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Chambo von Clavitz is a stunning 2 year old long haired German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Marty von Maintal is a gorgeous 12 month old Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Meyer von Meyenburg is a gorgeous 1-2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Luke von Lauta is a wonderful 4 year old Teddy Bear mix of fluff. |
ADOPTED Dusty von Duren is a delightful 2-3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Buster von Burgau is a beautiful 7-8 month old smaller sized Shepherd/Husky mix with a bit of blue in the eye. |
ADOPTED Sebastian von Schmidt is a stunning 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Snyder von Snode is a very handsome 3-4 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Apollo von Alzey is a stunning 3-4 year old German Shepherd. Lived with cats! |
ADOPTED Leo von Leun is a very handsome 9 month old German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Buzz von Borna is a gorgeous 18 month old larger sized German Shepherd. NO CATS |
RTO Lucky von Lorch is a striking looking 2 year old bi-color German Shepherd. FOSTERED |
ADOPTED Jediah von Jutlan is a beautiful 3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Harper von Fresno is a delightful 4-5 month old Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Rosaline von Juliet is a wonderful 10 week old German Shepherd puppy. Special Needs-Vision impaired |
ADOPTED Betty von Betzdorf is a stunning 6-7 month old white German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Shawnee von Sieto is a beautiful 5 year old German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Molly von Mendig is a gorgeous 12 month old German Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Amelia von Alfeld is such a sweet 2 year old smaller sized German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Georgia von Greiz is the sweetest 5 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Poppy von Polea is a beautiful 1-2 year old old German Shepherd. NO CATS Great with kids! |
ADOPTED Mia von Melle is a gorgeous 2-3 year old German Shepherd. |
RTO Gil von Geldern is a beautiful 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Brandon von Borken is the most adorable 9-10 week old German Shepherd puppy. |
ADOPTED Hulk von Hemau is the cutest little 1-2 year old Shepherd mix, weighing about 35 pounds. |
ADOPTED Thad von Teupitz is a beautiful 12 month old Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Aragon von Alzey is a stunning 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Gus von Mayen is a striking looking 12 month old black sable German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Maxx von Marlow is a stunning 5 year old red and black German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Kodiak von Koldenz is a very handsome 4-5 year old white German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Zane von Zarpen is a very handsome 6 year old smaller sized German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Logan von Lieber is a very handsome 14 month old Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Laura von Leer is an incredibly sweet 6 month old German Shepherd mix pup. |
ADOPTED Pixie von Pinneberg is a gorgeous 12 month old German Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Naomi von Nidda is a stunning 9-10 month old German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Mikko von Mendig is the most delightful and sweet 11-12 month old "tri-pawd" you will meet. |
ADOPTED Ruby von Roxheim is a stunning 8-9 month old German Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Alaska von Aurich is a stunning 1-2 year old female Husky (mix?). |
ADOPTED Lobita von Lohma is a beautiful 1-2 year old Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Hanz von Halver is a striking looking 2 year old black sable German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Pepper von Garza is a tall, light and very handsome 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Layla von Lebus is an adorable smaller sized 1-2 year old Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Gigi von Giengen is a beautiful 12 month old German Shepherd/Malinois mix. |
ADOPTED Xena von Zeil is a stunning 14-16 month old Belgian Malinois. (mix?) |
ADOPTED Star von Stadtilm is a gorgeous 18 month old long haired German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Maya von Madchen is a gorgeous 18 month old German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Sadie von Schulze is a stunning 1 to 2 year old purebred German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Winnie von Wiek is a beautiful 1-2 year old long haired German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Addy von Aalen is a stunning 14 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Zeus von Zossen is a tall dark and gorgeous 16 month old German Shepherd. |
Beckham von Eveland |
ADOPTED Beckham von Eveland is a gorgeous 14 month old German Shepherd. Love muffin! |
ADOPTED Rambo von Riesa is a beautiful 6 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Louie von Lucky is a stunning 3 year old German shepherd. |
ADOPTED Nino von Nossen is a stunning 7 month old long haired Germn Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Troy von Troisdorf is a beautiful mild mannered 5 year old long haired German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Ronny von Burgundy is a wonderful 12 month old Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Smokey von Sonnen is a delightful 3 year old Shepherd mix. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Clooney von Clausholm is a very handsome 1-2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Nala von Dassel is an adorable 3 month old German Shepherd mix puppy. |
ADOPTED Lady Montague von Juliet is a gorgeous 10 week old German Shepherd puppy. |
ADOPTED Elinor von Elze is a beautiful 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Galla von Gartz is a beautiful 2-3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Pinky von Pilsner is a beautiful 4year old Geman Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Talula von Tanna is a beautiful 12 month old coated German Shepherd. NO CATS LOVES POOLS !! VIDEO |
ADOPTED Savannah von Rosenblatt is a beautiful 10-11 month old German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Gretchen von Grasten is a wonderful 10-11 month old smaller sized plush coated German Shepherd. NO CATS or small dogs! |
ADOPTED Roxy von Rudenau is a stunning 1-2 year old smaller sized German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Yoshi von Dassel is an adorable 3 month old German Shepherd mix puppy. |
ADOPTED Merlin von Mittwoch is a delightful 6-7 month old Shepherd mix pup. |
ADOPTED Dylan von Diez is a gorgeous 1-2 year old Shepherd-Husky mix. |
ADOPTED Chase von Hartso is a gorgeous 18 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Tango von Tarnby is a gorgeous 18 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Helix von Heffner is a gorgeous 2 year old bi-color German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Schneider von Sayda is a beautiful 4-5 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED King von Areia is a wonderful 1-2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Kaleb von Kaleko is a gorgeous 2-3 year old Shepherd/Husky mix. |
ADOPTED Sam von Saalfeld is a gorgeous 12 month old Shepherd mixed with possibly Great Dane. (our best guess) |
ADOPTED Hugo von Hagen is a very handsome 6-7 year old Australian Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Bonita von Bogen is an adorable 3 year old Shiba Inu mix. |
ADOPTED Zoe von Zorge is a beautiful 7-8 year old German Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Tilly von Lollar is a gorgeous 12-14 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Mickey von Mirrow is the most delightful little 6 month old Maltipoo you will meet. |
ADOPTED Alexander von Coco is the cutest little 8 week old mix of fuzzinness. |
ADOPTED Romeo von Wagner is a stunning 18 month - 2 yr old, large German Shepherd. Good with cats and small dog. |
ADOPTED Charlie von Comb is a stunning 2 year old long haired German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Radar von Rotz is an adorable 3 year old Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Lightning von Linden is a gorgeous 7-8 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Perso von Sandra is a beautiful 1-2 year old Shepherd mix. (male) |
ADOPTED Branson von Borna is a very handsome 16 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Ryder von Rynkeby is a gorgeous 18 month old AKC German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Verona von Juliet is a delightful 8 week old German Shepherd puppy. |
ADOPTED Isabella von Mimi is the cutest little 9-10 week old Dobie puppy mixed with something smaller. |
ADOPTED Tammy von Tanner is a delightful 9-10 week old Shepherd MIX puppy. |
ADOPTED Justice von Jena is a wonderful 10-11 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Lacey von Spiezzlerasse is a gorgeous 2-3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Hope von Hoya is an adorable 9-10 month old Germn Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Adele von Adslev is a stunning 3 year old sable German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Laurie Selma von Lunen is a stunning 2 year old Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Cotija von Crivitz is a beautiful 5-6 year old Shepherd mix. NO CATS Boarded off site. |
ADOPTED Balthasar von Juliet is a stunning 8 week old German Shepherd puppy. |
ADOPTED Sawyer von Schleiz is a delightful 3.5-4 month old German Shepherd puppy. |
ADOPTED Hans von Solo is a stunning 2 year old German Shepherd. LOVES KIDS !! Good with small and large dogs! |
ADOPTED Nero von Nordern is a stunning 18 month old long haired German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Oslo von Owen is a gorgeous and very sweet 1-2 year old German Shepherd. Sweetie pie! |
ADOPTED Otis von Oslob is a beautiful 2-3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Jace von Herten is a beautiful 14 month old German Shepherd. Loves water! |
ADOPTED Maximus von Furtado is an adorable 7-8 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Champ von Colangelo is a gorgeous 12-14 month old Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Shadow von Diez is a beautiful 7 month old German Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Rocky von Crimla is a very handsome and sweet 6-7 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Zakky von Ziel is a gorgeous 5 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Raider von Estorf is an adorable 2 year old mix of Golden Retriever/ Great Pyrenees (best guess). |
ADOPTED Rexton von Rees is a stunning 17 month old German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Lady Capulet von Juliet is a beautiful 8 week old German Shepherd puppy. |
ADOPTED Remy von Ritz is a gorgeous 4 month old German Shepherd puppy. (female) |
ADOPTED Shea von Skinfel is a delightful 10-11 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Leona von Leun is a beautiful 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Juliet von Wagner is a beautiful smaller sized 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Judy von Melnick is a gorgeous 3-4 year old smaller sized German Shepherd. Loves water! |
ADOPTED Penny von Hofer is an adorable smaller sized 5-6 year old Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Sydney von Sydfelt is a beautiful 12 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Angel von Estorf is a beautiful 1-2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Elvis von Engel is a stunning, bog boned 3 month old Hound/Weimaraner mix. (best guess) |
ADOPTED Jasmine von Coco is a delightful little 8 week old mix of freckled sweetness. |
ADOPTED Lily von Coco is an enchanting 8 week old mix of adorable cuteness. |
ADOPTED Ziva von Arnold is the sweetest 6-7 momth old Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Lady von Jenkins is a beautiful 16 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Lucille von Brown is a beautiful 3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Sandra von Martin is a beautiful 1-2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Sheba von Basnas is a stunning 1-2 year old Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Priscilla von Pohl is the sweetest 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Chloe von Cologne is a beautiful 2-3 year old Shepherd mix on the smaller side. Sweetie pie! |
ADOPTED Drake von Daaden is a stunning 1-2 year old classic German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Arlo von Arnstein is a gorgeous 9 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Echo von Egeln is a stunning 5 month old German Shepherd puppy. |
ADOPTED Remo von Tripicchio is a gorgeous 12 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Herman von Hamm is a stunning 3-4 year old long haired German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED River von Ringive is a gorgeous 1-2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Dragon von Draby is a striking looking 1-2 year old Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Indy von Inslingen is a gorgeous 12 month old German Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Sierra von Cofer is a stunning 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Annie von Adorf is a stunning 2 year old white German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Alanis von Amber is a stunning 18 month old sable German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Gemini von Geldern is a stunning 12 month old smaller sized sable German Shepherd. Love bug! |
ADOPTED Shadow von Zofia is a wonderful 2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Queen von Querfurt is a stunning 6 month old Shepherd/Husky mix. (our best guess) NO CATS |
ADOPTED Daisy von Darup is an adorable 2 year old smaller sized Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Whiskey von Munich is a stunning 8 month old coated German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Harold von Harburg is a beautiful 9-10 month old German Shepherd (mix?). |
ADOPTED Diesel von Rickard is a very handsome 12 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Baron von Benningen is a gorgeous 3-4 year old long haired German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Zeus von Zeitz is a beautiful 4-5 year old German Shepherd mix. SWEETIE PATOOTIE! |
ADOPTED Buddy von Boddum is a beautiful 5-6 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Cairo von Caaschwitz is a stunning 1-2 year old longhaired German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Spike von Speyer is a gorgeous 3-4 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Toto von Todnau is a stunning 5 month old German Shepherd puppy. |
ADOPTED Guinness von Shoemaker is an adorable 3-4 month old German Shepherd puppy. |
ADOPTED Suzie von Schmitz is a delightful 7-8 month old Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Nova von Nabburg is a gorgeous 2-3 year old coated German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Sandy von Sarstedt is a gorgeous 6 month old Shepherd/Husky mix. (our best guess) NO CATS |
ADOPTED Asta von Asperg is an adorable 12 week old German Shepherd puppy. |
ADOPTED Heather von Oppenheim is an enchanting 10 week old Shepherd mix puppy. |
ADOPTED Amanda von Ahlen is a very friendly 1-2 year-old German Shepherd. Great with kids and cats! |
ADOPTED Ashley von Amberg is a stunning 11-12 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Mary Kate von Amberg is a gorgeous 11-12 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Sugar von Miracle is a gorgeous 11-12 month old Pointer mix. |
OTR Chica von Crimla is a delightful 2-3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Reynold von Rerik is a striking looking 11-12 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Sephryn von Benson is a very handsome 4-5 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Berlin von Thompson is a stunning 12 month old coated German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Yoda von Zossen is a gorgeous 7 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Capone von Cappel is an incredibly sweet 10 month old Husky mix. |
ADOPTED Alphonse von Altlay is a very handsome 1-2 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Bear von Berglen is a beautiful 1-2 year old coated German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Gavroche von Garz is a stunning 4 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Radar von Rahden is a very handsome 3-4 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Guinness von Glees is a beautiful, tall, light and handsome 1-2 year old German Shepherd with possibly a touch of Great Dane. |
ADOPTED Morgan von Monheim is a beautiful 1-2 year old Shepherd mix. (male) |
ADOPTED Gomez von Adams is a wonderful 10 week old Shepherd/Lab mix puppy. |
ADOPTED Barney von Rita is a delightful 12 week old Shepherd mix puppy. |
ADOPTED Rocco von Rita is an adorable 12 week old Shepherd MIX puppy. |
ADOPTED Carly von Crivitz is a wonderful 3-4 month old German Shepherd puppy. |
ADOPTED Kay von Dunning is the cutest 12 week old puppy. |
ADOPTED Phoebe von Paska is a delightful 10-11 month old Shepherd mixed with maybe Lab. |
ADOPTED Judy von Johstad is a stunning 7-8 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Liz von Litzendorf is a beautiful 2 year old German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Shannon von Siegen is a beautiful 2-3 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Morticia von Adams is the cutest 10 week old Shepherd/Lab mix puppy. |
ADOPTED Wolfgang von Wolde is a stunning 1-2 year old Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Anna von Linden is a stunning 5 to 6 month old long haired German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Elsa von Linden is a gorgeous 5 to 6 month old pure long coated German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Scarlet von Scheer is a gorgeous 6 year old coated German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Kate von Kamen is an adorable 11-12 month old smaller sized German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Perla von Oppenheim is an adorable 10 week old Shepherd/Lab mix. |
ADOPTED Ariel von Eve is a delightful 10 week old German Shepherd puppy. |
ADOPTED Damon von Dahn is a very handsome 4-5 year old German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Othello von Ostrau is a delightful 12 month old German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Keith von Kelder is a wonderful 18 month old German Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Cooper von Diez is a wonderful 10-12 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Rock von Roth is a gorgeous 12 month old sable German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Thor von Todnau is a beautiful 2 year old Shepherd/Husky mix. |
ADOPTED Shayla von Sinzig is a beautiful 2-3 year old coated German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Luke von Lindau is a stunning 3-4 year old long haired German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Leroy von Leimen is he cutest 9-10 month old Shepherd mix puff muffin. |
ADOPTED Fabio von Faaborg is and enchanting 1 to 2 year old long coated German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Bandit von Buckeye is a wonderful 1-2 year old smaller sized Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Pancho von Palsgard is a very handsome 2 year old German Shepherd. NO CATS |
ADOPTED Nicki von Dylan is an enchanting little 9 week old Shepherd MIX puppy. |
ADOPTED Nellie von Nellemose is a stunning 18 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Misha von Minden is a beautiful 18 month old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Juliann von Jucken is a delightful 10-11 month old smaller sized Shepherd mix. |
ADOPTED Markey von Maribo is a very sweet 10 year old German Shepherd. |
ADOPTED Comet von Cochem is beautiful 3 month old German Shepherd puppy. |
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Copyright © 2004-07 Westside German Shepherd
Rescue. All rights reserved.
Updated 12/28/18